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Skin Health

Publications and clinical evidence


Accuracy of a smartphone application for triage of skin lesions based on machine-learning algorithms.

4 SEP 2019 – Retrospective Accuracy Study

A Udrea

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Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology

Validation of a Market-Approved Artificial Intelligence Mobile Health App for Skin Cancer Screening: A Prospective Multicenter Diagnostic Accuracy Study – PubMed

It is a prospective study, published in 2022

Tobias Sangers

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JMIR Publications

Development of Smartphone Apps for Skin Cancer Risk Assessment: Progress and Promise.

11 JUL 2019 – mHealth Skin Cancer App Review

Tiago M de Carvalho 1

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Telemedicine and e-Health

mHealth App for Risk Assessment of Pigmented and Nonpigmented Skin Lesions-A Study on Sensitivity and Specificity in Detecting Malignancy.

23 DEC 2017 – Eindhoven Clinical Validation Stud

Monique Thissen

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Other publications About SkinVision:

npj Digital Medicine

An artificial intelligence based app for skin cancer detection evaluated in a population based setting

Artificial intelligence in mobile health for skin cancer diagnostics at home (AIM HIGH): a pilot feasibility study

JEADV 2021

Mobile health skin cancer risk assessment campaign using artificial intelligence on a population-wide scale: a retrospective cohort analysisT.E. Sangers, T. Nijsten, M. Wakkee

DOI: 10.1111/jdv.17442

British Journal of Dermatology

Views on mobile health apps for skin cancer screening in the general population: an in-depth qualitative exploration of perceived barriers and facilitators

T.E. Sangers, M. Wakkee, E.C. Kramer-Noels, T. Nijsten and M. Lugtenberg

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